Youth Ministry
"Remember Your Creator in the days of your youth"
Whether your a parent or a teen, the years of teenager can be hard as they are figuring out life for the first time on their own. It can be tough at times as we approach adult hood and with teens growing up even faster than ever before, we are focused on providing teens with the information of God's Word in such a way that answers the harder questions of life for them. As we journey with them through the hard times we are just as much there for them in the best times of their lives.

We have a series of ways to keep in touch with our teens. We actively meet every Thursday at 6:30pm and can be found on social media as well! We have recently started a group called The Chatter Box that is all about teens being able to socialize and talk about anything with their peers and youth leaders. As Well as our main page Shattered Chains Youth which is our hub for sharing in the events and any updates from the Pastor and leader Steve Pickett.