men ministry
"The measure of a man's greatness is not the number of servants he has, but the number of people he serves."
Need some manly time with your brothers in Christ? JourneyMate Men are constantly looking at different avenues for men to reach out, serve, and share Christ in the lives around them. As well has the occasional boys night out or well weekend, at certain times of the year you can find the JourneyMate Men spending time with nature and the One who created it all.

JourneyMate Wesleyan Church believes there is a major need for men today to step up in today's society. Evangelical men's ministry often focuses on how to be strong husbands, fathers and leaders. That is commendable, but in our effort to restore "godly manhood" we focus too much on power and not enough on humility. We not only believe, but we have seen that true strength comes through humility in Christ and men will continue to create courage to do what God has called him to. So if you need a place to hang with other men with like focus, starting in the fall of 2019 we welcome you to join us as we pursue Christ together.