Some people are very convicted through their words. Some people are very convicted through their actions. HERE'S THE PROBLEM: If people don't practice what they preach, teach or believe... they are hypocrites. And you know how everyone feels about hypocrites. Bible Study Tools writes: The Bible tells us that a hypocrite is someone who puts on a mask and pretends to be something he is not. Hypocrisy is to claim to know and follow certain beliefs but to behave in a way that counteracts those beliefs. While we should have wisdom to discern words and actions that do not match, we also need to remember that God is the ultimate judge of character. The Bible calls hypocrisy a sin. There are two forms hypocrisy can take: that of professing belief in something and then acting in a manner contrary to that belief, and that of looking down on others when we ourselves are flawed. LESSON: It's hard not to be a hypocrite. You have to work at not being one. TRUTH: It must be noted that hypocrisy is not the same as taking a stand against sin. For example, it is not hypocrisy to teach that drunkenness is a sin, unless the one teaching against drunkenness gets drunk every weekend—that would be hypocrisy. FACT: As children of God, we are called to strive for holiness (1 Peter 1:16). We are to “hate what is evil” and “cling to what is good” (Romans 12:9). We should never imply an acceptance of sin, especially in our own lives. CONCLUSION: All we do should be consistent with what we believe and who we are in Christ. Play-acting is meant for the stage, not for real life
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